5 Quick Questions

5 Quick Questions with Helen Lehndorf

Helen Lehndorf’s book, The Comforter, made the New Zealand Listener’s ‘Best 100 Books of 2012′ list. Her second book, Write to the Centre, is a nonfiction book about the practice of keeping a journal. She writes poetry and non-fiction, and has been published in Sport, Landfall, JAAM, and many other publications and anthologies. In 2021, she co-created a performance The 4410 to the 4412 for the Papaoiea Festival …

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5 Quick Questions with Rose Lu

Rose Lu is a writer based in Wellington. She’ll be teaching a workshop at the upcoming Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat which explores varying structure and point of view in the personal essay. She gained her Masters of Creative Writing at the IIML in 2018 and was awarded the Modern Letters Prize for Creative Nonfiction. Her first …

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5 Quick Questions with Helen Lehndorf

Helen Lehndorf will be teaching the Friday night session at the upcoming Kāpiti Writers’ Retreat. Helen Lehndorf’s book, The Comforter, made the New Zealand Listener’s ‘Best 100 Books of 2012′ list. Her second book, Write to the Centre, is a nonfiction book about the practice of keeping a journal. She writes poetry and non-fiction, and has been published in Sport, Landfall, …

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